Speedlight madness

Idea for this shoot was to use speedlights with colour gels in order to add mood to the image. I haven’t got too much experience in using flashes so I had good time trying it.

Another cycling trip

Sunny days in Manchester at this time of the year are the rarity. Therefore every time we have them I don’t hesitate a moment to get on one of my cycling trips around the town. For this evening I’ve planned to get on top of First street car park and get a long exposure shot of passing trains during blue hour light. Unfortunately my presence was quickly discovered and I was accused of trespassing and removed from locations by very angry, impolite watchman. I believe I was spotted in the elevator wearing black with tripod on my back probably looking like bazooka or some sort of heavy weaponry. Obviously I’ve looked like terrorist. However, this location I quite nice and most certainly I will be back another day!

I manage to get one photo (last one in gallery) with composition I was going for but unfortunately it wasn’t yet dark enough to achieve desired effect.

Deansgate Locks

Idea for this photoshoot was simple... Capture newly rebuilded metrolink pathway between Deansgate and Castlefield under light of blue hour.

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Sunset at Heaton Park

After few gloomy weeks of cold and snow, finally first touch of spring came upon northern England. It was perfect moment for little cycling trip around Heaton Park. Armed with freshly purchased Capture Pro plate for easy camera access whilst cycling I was ready to go. I must say that in past 3 year I’ve visit this location many times however never shoot there at 200mm focal length. At this time of the year park don’t look quite as nice but it was going to be my challenge. Also this will be part of my side project I started for this year of photographing few of my favorite parks around Grater Manchester.

I met with my good friend Greg who also like cycling around however if anyone want to join for the shoot let me know in comments or email me.

Esport Manchester

I've been enjoying electronic sports since in 1998 along with bunch of geeks from my neighborhood I organized lan party for the first time. We played games all night long. Lately this kind of entertainment is becoming quite popular especially among young people. They prefer spend their free time interactively, playing online, multiplayer games rather than blankly watch TV. These titles are very competitive that make them exciting to watch. There is no doubt that this is a future of cyber entertainment and e-sport will be only growing.

There is a few photos I've taken during King of the North tournament organized by Manchester University. There was no StarCraft 2 :( My favorite game but I enjoyed CS:GO, dota2 and LoL nonetheless.

Manchester Cityscapes

Few of my recent Manchester cityscapes I managed to capture.

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Daytime Long exposure

When I discovered basics of shutter speed as new photographer, long exposure immediately fascinated me. Whether it was creating silky water effect or transforming traffic into red and white lines those kind of photos were most enjoyable to take and retouch. I've started caring tripod everywhere.  After while however, smoothing waterfalls or creating light beams wasn't enough so I bought my first ND filter and start experimenting with daytime long exposures. Trapping time, movement of clouds or water into one frame creates surreal feel of images that I like very much.

Here are few photos taken by using this technique at Media City UK, popular Manchester location.


Recent Manchester photos

Small addition to my architecture / Manchester / urban gallery. Mostly taken within last week in several places around Grater Manchester.

Magic of blue hour

Blue hour is the period of twilight during dawn each morning and dusk each evening when the sun is a significant distance below the horizon and the residual, indirect sunlight takes on a predominantly blue hue. This effect is caused by the relative diffusibility of short blue wavelengths of light versus the longer red wavelengths. During the blue "hour" (typically the period is about 40 minutes in length), red light passes straight into space while blue light is scattered in the atmosphere and therefore reaches the earth's surface. Because of the quality of the light, this period is treasured by artists.

Yes. I'm not actually that smart to write such nice lengthy sentences, explaining visual occurrences happening in nature on our little blue planet. Therefore I'm using whats already written on wiki page to explain for those who don't yet know what blue hour is. If you like night/long exposure photography this is the time you want to have your tripod and camera ready.

Idea for this was to catch light left by passing trains during previously mentioned blue hour.

Photoshop Collage

I was cleaning my constantly growing catalog of images and I found few architecture shots that had potential to look good if I make collage out of them. I end you with those...