
It's so much easer to work with passionate model rather than someone who just stiffly stand and stares at lens like deer at the headlights. I know, I'm photographer and I should tell my model exactly what to do but I find it rather difficult task... Maybe one day I will learn how to do it but for now lets hope that every model I'm going to shoot will be as good as Agnieszka was.


I have never been at the football game before. Yes, I realize that some may say I'm weird, living in Manchester where two worldwide popular clubs are based and not seen singe game live. But I was always a nerd therefore even esport exited me more than traditional sport.
I am sincerely grateful to photography for making me do things what I otherwise would have never done. Without strong desire for image making that drives me to unknown places I would probably seat that day at home since football isn't on the list of my interests.
Photos from that day:


Some thoughts...

It turned out that one of the chefs announced his upcoming transfer to another hotel, in another city, far away from this town. That day camera was in my bag and I thought it could be good to take his portrait in order to keep his image in my memory since I probably will not see him again. This made me realize that if everything goes well my days around here might be also numbered... Than it came that idea...

As my thanks I will try to create an album with portraits of my colleagues with whom I spent the last few years breathing same workspace air, laughing at their jokes, sharing problems and concerns. I strongly believe that my future is in a photography, not hospitality and therefore this shall be my last gratitude for the time spent together. Admittedly I'm not gone yet so there is some time left to execute my plan.

I write here about it because perhaps no one is reading this blog of mine, written in my broken English.

Dancing flash mob

Taking pictures of moving subjects is something that I never experience doing before so today's photoshoot became to be another challenge for me. I believe that video would do better job in this scenario but I decide to give a try anyway. Group of Zouk dancers meet up to do flash mob in the middle of city centre of Manchester. Here are 3 of my favourite pictures form that day:

Pigeon master

I came across this guy today while shooting performing dancers at piccadilly gardens. He start throwing seeds around and all those pigeons swarm him in the hearth beat. It looked kinda cool...


La Familia

Friend of mine asked to take pictures of her new born baby boy and also to do some family portraits. I have never done this kind to photoshoot before so I thought why not to go for another challenge? It was going to be cloudy that day so I didn't need to worry about harsh shadow although I took reflector with me just in case sun comes out. We went to Heaton Park so I hoped to find more sighs of autumn such as falling leafs, walking paths covered by it, golden colours everywhere... That would make nice atmosphere. Unfortunately even though we have already middle of September summer still holds strongly so not to much leafs had fallen yet. I guess there will be time for it soon...


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Tatton Park

That place was on my short list to visit around Manchester already long time and also with such amazing weather as we lately have I've packed my gear and went explore another popular, Sunday walk location.

Iron Jungle

Black and White was never my favourite type of photography therefore very seldom during taking picture I thought about specific frame as black and white one. This time it happened. I always thought that inventing colour was a big step for photography so why would anyone go back to monochrome? Now I begin to understand...

For anyone wondering these are ventilation chimneys in front of large UK corporation.


Composite time

Today I photograph cooperative headquarters because its quite photogenic building and I'm still doing my little long exposure project. Whilst doing post production I thought about photo of my dude Natan, taken few months ago in my home "studio". I have not used anywhere yet so since he's working is that very same building I got that idea to merge both photos in order to create composite with grim story.


Glass and water drops

Some time ago I found big piece of glass in garbage area and thought it would be cool to use it in photography...
